Are you reaching your target audiences?


You are on all platforms where you should be - web, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. But how do you know that you are reaching your target audiences and that your channels really are performing? A well-developed content and channel strategy makes your communication work successful.

The basic rule for you to reach your target groups is of course to be where they are. If your customers are on Facebook a lot - then this is also where you should be. But, depending on what type of business you have, it might be important to lead your customers on from Facebook to your web shop to generate a purchase.

But it is not enough to keep track of the channels. The content must also be adapted to the respective channel and target group. A post on Facebook does not work in the same way on Twitter and you do not address your B2C customer in the same way as the decision maker you want to influence. Therefore, you are also helped by having a well-thought-out strategy for the type of content you create for each channel and target group.

There are a plethora of different KPIs measuring how well digital channels perform - engagement rate, click through rate etc. Which measure best suits your channels depends on which target groups you want to reach and what you want to achieve with your communication.

Do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to discuss how you could be helped by a clear content and channel strategy.